There are many problems with media ownership. Copyrights are now made for anyone using trademarks of their media or company. This now leads to many problems with media and how it involves us. It can also lead to us paying for things we don't need. The BBC makes us pay for a license fee even if we might not watch their channels. This can also lead to the government and how they treat media. Issues can occur with how things are done however the benefits for large companies outweigh the risks.
Thursday, 20 November 2014
The influence of the media.
.bad editing
.not enough ways to watch it
.poorly written
.not in detail
.too boring
Game of thrones and who owns it.
HBO Is a very large television company working on large hits like game of thrones. Home box office makes TV series and are all mostly very successful. The company works on very large budgets as they are a multi millionaire company.
Media terminology
Monopoly= the exclusive possession of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service.
Conglomerate= a thing consisting of a number of different components or items which are grouped together.
Multinational= including or involving several countries or individuals of separate countries.
Media tycoon= a rich and powerful person who is involved in business or industry.
Plurality= a large variety of people or things.
Public service broadcaster= a TV programme that a broadcast to the public for purely public benefit.
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
What i think of social media.
Social media is a great way to connect with people without being near them. However, this can lead to an argument about if it is good or not.
Some reasons why it is good is that you can talk to people who you may not be able to see everyday. Also it is a great way to arrange things which will happen in real life. Not Facebook. Also, it is a great way to publicize new products and ideas. Mainly larger brands with big profits.
Some negative reasons are that you cannot bond on Facebook. You cannot have the sense of reality in the chats. Also this can lead to cyber bullying as many people can say things on Facebook but not say it in real life.
In my opinion, I believe that Facebook can be a great way to talk but not long term. People would rather see each other in person and talk.
Promoting labels in music
What I would do to promote a record labels music is have accounts/pages dedicated to the brand. I would have small chunks of music for free as samples and maybe give out a free song if you like the page/account. This will then give a clear indication of what the target audience will be. As people can see what other things you have liked. I would sponsor other record company's to make sure people notice my company as well as listen to the songs. I would also have small advertisements on Facebook to make people aware of the brand.
What is posted on facebook?
On my Facebook feed there are many different types of media. Advertisements, songs, pictures and many others. However not many news articles get posted on Facebook. About once every 2 or 3 days. However, funny videos and advertisements for company's are very common. Everytime I look on Facebook there are always advertisements as people know that they will be seen regularly. Music videos are hardly ever posted, unless it is by the original producer on their Facebook page.
Many people use Facebook as a way to have free advertisement. However, this may annoy people as Facebook is a social network. Using the uses and gratification theory I believe that people use media on Facebook and other social networking sites as a way to escape everyday life. I think advertisements on Facebook are essential as it gives people more things to see and enjoy.
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Why do i use the internet like this?
About 80% of the time I use on the internet I'm sat around wasting time. This isn't a good thing as sometimes I cannot get myself to come off. YouTube is a very hard website to quit off. As so many new videos are released everyday. Only a small amount of time is used to actually look up facts for homework or something i can get something out of it. Overall, I think that I waste too much time on the internet
Sunday, 28 September 2014
Log of every website i have visited over a 24 hour period
This is a 24 hour log if what websites I have been on. The times are an estimate and missed out time zones are from absences of going on the internet. Because I don't have a laptop at the moment all websites below are on my phone.
It will show like this.
Facebook=9:00(pm)=13 mins
OUYA.TV=9:18(pm)=6 mins
Twitter=9:24(pm)=8 mins
Facebook=10:36(pm)=12 mins
The lad bible=10:58(pm)=4 mins
Facebook=7:21(am)=3 mins
Twitter=7:34(am)=16 mins mins
YouTube=4:15(pm)=2 hours 14 mins