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Sunday, 28 September 2014

Log of every website i have visited over a 24 hour period

This is a 24 hour log if what websites I have been on. The times are an estimate and missed out time zones are from absences of going on the internet. Because I don't have a laptop at the moment all websites below are on my phone.

It will show like this.

Facebook=9:00(pm)=13 mins
OUYA.TV=9:18(pm)=6 mins
Twitter=9:24(pm)=8 mins
Facebook=10:36(pm)=12 mins
The lad bible=10:58(pm)=4 mins
Facebook=7:21(am)=3 mins
Twitter=7:34(am)=16 mins
Amazon.co.uk=7:48(am)=2 mins
YouTube=4:15(pm)=2 hours 14 mins